These guys just came up with a wonderful idea, just looking around in my neighbourhood there must be hundreds of satellite dishes polluting the view (not that the architecture is that much to boast with but you get the idea): there's at least six in view from my kitchen window. Now if only someone would come up with an incentive to make people actually use these stickers...
oh, oh, oh... it seems nice, and it's a fun idea. But now all hell will break loose. How long before all the ugly satellite dishes ( i agree on that one) will be 'personalised'... and we'll be confronted with all sorts of 'flashy graphics'? Wild and exciting times ahead of us... but then again, how many of the 'dish users' are really concerned with the esthetic impact of their purchase?
Posted by: guido everaert | 07 January 2008 at 18:58
True, but then again: anything is better than the dull grey and rust tones that deface the entire neighbourhood.
And I agree on the last part too: dish users don't really seem to be very aesthitically educated when it comes to their surroundings, or they have a great way of hiding it...
Posted by: Yves | 07 January 2008 at 20:46