We're not really television afficionados, meaning that I miss most series on a regular basis, then catch up in marathon sessions comprising 8 straight hours of 24, The Sopranos, ... but mostly it's games and movies on the tellie these days.
One of the last series we followed on-cable was Lost, and by the end I was losing interest in the side-stories and histories of the different characters. In my mind there is only one series that succeeded in losing the plot completely and keeping my intrest going for longer than 3 episodes after that happened and that is Twin Peaks. Charles has revisited Twin Peaks and took pictures of a lot of memorbable places which he puts on display here.
And since my old collection of episodes (on NTSC) is starting to wear out and I will soon be able to start citing the dialogues season one on cue I'm checking Dugpa a few times a month to see if news from the season 2 DVDs is transpiring. Apparently there is an agreement and David Lynch himself oversaw the rerecording of the dolby sound. I'm hoping it'll be here before spring because this is perfect winterfood...